Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Anti mountaintop removal

     Most people believe that mountaintop removal is a horrid thing that is defacing mother earth. Some of the problems that local communities have with this method of mining include, but not limited to, water, air, and noise pollution. All of these types of pollution can lead t o serious medical problems that could even result in death. Blasting can be harmful to the surrounding communities and has even been known to kill. The harmful dust and coal particles that are in the air can then stay suspended in the air for days harming the miners and the community. The dust goes into the lungs which leads to upper respiratory problems which can harm people for the rest of there live. MTR also forces some to move from their homes, the blasting sites can be to close, or they move to try and save their health.

     When mine companies blast the MRT sites then the compacted becomes loose and the dirt cannot go back from where they got it. The over lay then goes into a valley and fills in streams and kills the natural flora and fauna. The companies claim to reclaim the land, but if it is even done the right way the mountain can never be the same. The biodiversity of the location is destroyed and will more than likely never return. So as you can see the mountaintop removal is not good for anyone involved, it hurts the environment and people, no good can come from this unless you are lining your pockets.

 anti MTR site

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